How Does A Penis Enlargement Extender Work?

penis extenderThe penis enlargement extender works by applying a steady pressure to the penis walls. The human body is an incredible organism that can adapt under stress.

I like to use the analogy of weight lifting, because in many aspects, you’re working out your penis. I workout with weights almost every day and by lifting weights that are heavier than I’m use to, my body adapts to this new workload and builds extra muscle to help me with the task. [Read more…]

5 Ways to Make Your Penis Look Bigger!

5 simple ways to make penis look biggerHaving a bigger penis can make a man feel sexier and can also boosts our confidence and self esteem.

Here are 5 simple, but effective ways to make your penis look bigger!

#1. Having too much pubic hair can make the penis appear to be smaller. By trimming and cleaning up your pubic area it can make your penis appear to be larger. Grooming and hygiene is extremely important in both sexes. Women appreciate a man that takes care of his [Read more…]